Initial Construction
Our school was built from ground up, beginning with the purchase of one acre of land. Over the course about eight months, the main structure was built, housing five classrooms and an administrative office. Additionally, we constructed a grass-thatched hut for the kitchen, and latrines. This initial project also included custom-built desks and tables, plastic chairs, and concrete chalkboards for each room.
School Expansion
K3 and P4 Addition
After our first academic year, 2021-2022, came to a close we were left with the difficult realization that our P3 (third grade) pupils would not have a class to move to the following year. This motivated us to do what we could to add a P4 (fourth grade) class. With the help of a couple donors, we were able to build a new structure that contains two classrooms, one of which will be used as a storage room. In addition, we will now have the space for a K3 (third level of kindergarten) class. However, we are still working to outfit our classrooms with desks, chairs, windows, doors, and a chalkboard. With additional funding, we hope to have these items ready for the new year, which begins January 30th, 2023.
Land Acquisition
As we have had to expand our school building, we have also needed to acquire new land for the children to play and for our school to run properly. True Vine began on one acre of land, and have recently signed a contract with the landowners to pay a total of $1500 to secure an additional one acre of land. We currently owe just $700 to fully own this piece of property.
Latrine Upgrade
Pit latrines are the most common form of restroom in Northern Uganda, and after our first year of operation, we realized that a basic pit latrine fills up with ground water and plant matter, in addition to human waste. In an effort to improve our school grounds, True Vine recently upgraded our school latrine facilities to one encases the pit with cement walls so that the waste can be removed as it fills up. This allows for increased longevity of the structure and a more hygienic waste facility for our school community.